Dealing With Collections...Dispersal of large collections can present some challenging problems for heirs when they are included in an estate. Finding a good option to sell those collections can be tricky. Take for instance a collection numbering several hundred similar items, that took the original owner 20 years to acquire.
Trying to sell that collection all at one time, all at one place will sometimes burn out the crowd. By that we mean that if there are five other collectors of that type of item in the local area, even if all five come to a sale of those items, they are frequently not financially prepared to purchase that many items. We find that in such cases it may be financially more practical to sell that collection on the internet where more buyers for that particular type of item may be found. With that in mind we also offer that service to our clients. We sell items on consignment for clients at reasonable rates. Not ALL collections are best sold on the internet of course, but if you have a collection to sell, we will be glad to help you find the best method to sell it in order to get the most return for those concerned. As always, our advice on such matters is always free and confidential. A word of caution... There are many people who will seek to take advantage of those inheriting collections by offering "Help" selling them. The two most vulnerable categories of collections that seem to bring out, and attract the worst characters are Coins, and Guns. These two items also represent a serious security threat should the existence of a collection like that become known in some circles. Please be very careful even mentioning the existence of such collections to people you do not know, or trust, so as not to become the target of thieves and other vultures. |