When To Contact Us...
The best time to contact us is BEFORE you begin any kind of cleaning up, or sales process. Here is why...
Sales like we conduct work best for you when there are lots of items, and when those items are diverse in nature. The more items, the better the crowd the sale attracts. The better the crowd, the better everything in the sale sells, and the better the financial return for you. This process is best done on a larger scale. A well organized sale does not leave behind those sometimes "hard to sell" items. Too often we are contacted by people who have already held several small garage sales, and are left with only some hard to sell items. At that point it is very hard for us to be of much service to you. Holding several small "Garage Sales" to start clearing a house may sound like the best way to proceed, but that process often leaves large amounts of things left unsold. We have no issue with those who want to "Do It Yourself", just be aware that one large sale is much better than many small sales. |